Monday, February 15, 2010

The Spirit of the Age

If I were to ask you what the “Spirit of the Age” is….what would you say? Maybe you would give me a funny look and say…”I don’t have time for stuff like that.”


As I try to find a moment to just stop…or slow down enough to evaluate my life, I quickly realize I am consumed by a busy life. I have read about this. Family, a business, a wife, two daughters, a son, adoption stuff, my list could go on and on if I really shared my calendar. I have heard others talk about this. I have been moved and convicted previously by this…yet here I stand again. Consumed with busyness. What is the most effective way to render us ineffective for the things that really matter in life….Busyness! This has got to be one of Satan’s sharpest blades…it cuts so deep and yet we don’t even feel it till its too late. It renders us as effective as warm butter.

Its so easy to justify this wound, after all, the things I am doing are good…right? I am doing it for my family. I am doing it for my church. I am doing it for my kids. I am doing it for our future. Really…I can justify most anything…and I would venture to guess, so can you. If we are not careful we can get so consumed with arranging the piles of papers on our desk of life that we don’t ever get to the real work contained in those piles. I am reminded that the most efficient time at work is right before vacation since that is when I go through the piles with a different perspective. I am much less tolerant of the busywork and non-essentials…honestly, this is when I trash the most stuff from my office. If I worked this efficiently every day just what could I accomplish? How much more time would this free up for the things that really matter?

Lord, help me to stop and honestly evaluate what I am doing in this life…and do what really matters most. Show me today, and tomorrow, what is most important to You. What can I do for You that will make a difference in the lives of others? Are You pleased with this life I am living…..? Give me the guts to focus on and pursue the things that matter most. Show me what You really think of me.